Sunday, May 15, 2011

Born This Way

We have GOT to love ourselves.

Maybe I'm just feeling reflective on a quiet Sunday night before a crazy week, but I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I think one of the most destructive ways to be is self-loathing--it leads to so many bad things. I've seen so many of my friends beat themselves up relentlessly, and I do the same exact thing.

I feel like I really got this my junior year of high school, and it changed my life. Somewhere along the line, I've had my ups and downs and sometimes I just seem to forget this crucial aspect of being alive. Why is that? We do we let ourselves be so mean to our own selves?

As Lady Gaga said on Ellen: "You're all you've got." If we don't love ourselves, we don't give anyone else the reason or right to love us. It needs to start from within. It will change your life, I promise.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Okay, so disregard that last post! Yikes that vlog is a train wreck. It didn't look too bad on my computer but something went wrong with the sound or something when I put it on youtube! I'll try to fix it as soon as I have some time, and I'm also going to try to figure out how to just post videos directly onto my blog because I feel weird having a youtube channel...I've already had three views and I'm really hoping they were from people I know because I don't want to be judged based on that video! Hehe :) Malia

Monday, April 4, 2011


My attempt at vlogging...hehehe sorry if this is the most awkward thing you've ever seen! I just want to give it a try :) the sound quality isn't the best and I'm pre-coffee and don't have my full makeup on or anything soo yeah...keep that in mind lol! But let me know what you think! <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break: The Cooking Craze

I am happy to say that I survived my finals! My grades coming in are looking good, and I even managed to do pretty well in Biopsych--I feel like I conquered something!

Anyways, my spring break has been full of seeing old friends, family time, relaxing, and catching up on some guilty pleasure TV (Sex and the City is playing as I type this). So it isn't that different from winter break I guess! I'm saving all my Fabulous Vacation money for summer :) and there is another thing I'm excited about during this break: cooking!

I've always appreciated cooking, but I've never been able to grasp the ability to do it myself--but I just have this strong desire to learn how to cook this week! I think I've been inspired by Julie & Julia (such a good movie, I've been watching it on a weekly basis!). I've been reading recipies, watching Food Network, and trying some things out: I've made some really good grilled cheese sandwiches (I know, don't judge, I'm going to try to make some "gourmet" ones too), last night I made Pasta Primavera with vegetables, Philadelphia cooking cream, and chicken, and today I made cookies and cream peanut butter!

On Friday I'm looking forward to making baked mac & cheese and dessert with my friend Alyssa, and I'm also hoping to make some light fettucinni alfredo, beef bourginon, and some homemade dog biscuits (for Lady and Sally, of course!)

Also, I'm SO READY for some spring weather!!


Sunday, March 13, 2011


1) Comprehensive Biopsych Final

2) English Portfolio Due


I can do it!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winter Quarter Wrap-Up

Hi everyone! Things have been so busy lately, and I just haven't been able to find the time to blog! And this week has been the longest week of all: Dead Week, the week right before finals where everything hits crunch time and it's time to put in all that studying you've been putting off. So naturally, I'm putting off studying to blog :) I can't WAIT to be done with this quarter!

This quarter has been kind of a dreary one--the winter has seemed really long, cold and rainy. I'm getting really excited for spring and (fingers crossed!) better weather. I'm also excited because this quarter, I officially declared my major (English) and minor (Education) and I plan on becoming a kindergarten/1-3 grade teacher! I'm also looking around for another job for my Disney off-days, and it's kind of frustrating but also exciting.

AND I got into the London Study-Abroad program! I'm so excited and I can't believe it: I'll believe it when I get on the plane! It isn't until late summer/early fall so I have plenty of time to prepare myself (and raise money!).

I can't wait for this hectic week to be over: today I lost my housekey (but then found it two hours later, thank goodness), and my computer has stopped holding a charge--what?? I better go and get working on my to-do list...before we know it, it will be SPRING BREAK! :)


Monday, January 31, 2011

Lovable Lollygagging

Hi guys! It's been so long since I last blogged (despite my wonderful idea to make a weekly list of things I'm excited about--I should have known I would forget!) that I thought I would briefly check in :) after all, what else would I do when I have a mountain of English homework to do?

Some exciting things: I'm officially an English major now! It makes me feel more like an actual student now that I have a major and thus, a ticket to graduate. I've also just signed up for the LSJ (Law, Societies, and Justice Minor) and am going to be minoring in that as well. I wish I had time to add a double major to the list, but I just don't see it happening : / we'll see though!

I'm trying to set aside more time for school, not only doing homework but just to think about what I'm doing and try and go above and beyond. I've recently decided that I really want to go to law school, and I'm really excited about the idea of my education and thoughts growing--you know?

But notice how I say I'm "trying" to set aside time. Of course I end up perusing my celebrity gossip and style blogs, or watching How I Met Your Mother. But at least I'm trying ; )

I should probably get back to what I'm doing right now: trying to get some homework done, listening to me and my friend's latest music obsession: the local and adorable Carson Henley, and facing the temptation of the cookies our sorority's chef just made.

Malia In The City