Sunday, May 15, 2011

Born This Way

We have GOT to love ourselves.

Maybe I'm just feeling reflective on a quiet Sunday night before a crazy week, but I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I think one of the most destructive ways to be is self-loathing--it leads to so many bad things. I've seen so many of my friends beat themselves up relentlessly, and I do the same exact thing.

I feel like I really got this my junior year of high school, and it changed my life. Somewhere along the line, I've had my ups and downs and sometimes I just seem to forget this crucial aspect of being alive. Why is that? We do we let ourselves be so mean to our own selves?

As Lady Gaga said on Ellen: "You're all you've got." If we don't love ourselves, we don't give anyone else the reason or right to love us. It needs to start from within. It will change your life, I promise.

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