Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break: The Cooking Craze

I am happy to say that I survived my finals! My grades coming in are looking good, and I even managed to do pretty well in Biopsych--I feel like I conquered something!

Anyways, my spring break has been full of seeing old friends, family time, relaxing, and catching up on some guilty pleasure TV (Sex and the City is playing as I type this). So it isn't that different from winter break I guess! I'm saving all my Fabulous Vacation money for summer :) and there is another thing I'm excited about during this break: cooking!

I've always appreciated cooking, but I've never been able to grasp the ability to do it myself--but I just have this strong desire to learn how to cook this week! I think I've been inspired by Julie & Julia (such a good movie, I've been watching it on a weekly basis!). I've been reading recipies, watching Food Network, and trying some things out: I've made some really good grilled cheese sandwiches (I know, don't judge, I'm going to try to make some "gourmet" ones too), last night I made Pasta Primavera with vegetables, Philadelphia cooking cream, and chicken, and today I made cookies and cream peanut butter!

On Friday I'm looking forward to making baked mac & cheese and dessert with my friend Alyssa, and I'm also hoping to make some light fettucinni alfredo, beef bourginon, and some homemade dog biscuits (for Lady and Sally, of course!)

Also, I'm SO READY for some spring weather!!


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