Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winter Quarter Wrap-Up

Hi everyone! Things have been so busy lately, and I just haven't been able to find the time to blog! And this week has been the longest week of all: Dead Week, the week right before finals where everything hits crunch time and it's time to put in all that studying you've been putting off. So naturally, I'm putting off studying to blog :) I can't WAIT to be done with this quarter!

This quarter has been kind of a dreary one--the winter has seemed really long, cold and rainy. I'm getting really excited for spring and (fingers crossed!) better weather. I'm also excited because this quarter, I officially declared my major (English) and minor (Education) and I plan on becoming a kindergarten/1-3 grade teacher! I'm also looking around for another job for my Disney off-days, and it's kind of frustrating but also exciting.

AND I got into the London Study-Abroad program! I'm so excited and I can't believe it: I'll believe it when I get on the plane! It isn't until late summer/early fall so I have plenty of time to prepare myself (and raise money!).

I can't wait for this hectic week to be over: today I lost my housekey (but then found it two hours later, thank goodness), and my computer has stopped holding a charge--what?? I better go and get working on my to-do list...before we know it, it will be SPRING BREAK! :)


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